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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2014

Renting a big bike in Malaysia

Seems my rides in Malaysia are popular and people continue to ask where to rent a big bike in Kuala Lumpur. One answer is The Big Bike Shop in Puchong. I have rented there and they are good guys. They have a variety of rentals, helmets and jackets too. I took a Kawasaki ER6N pictured here. Unfortunately their web site still seems to be offline. Jump on Facebook where you can find them and send

Coast to Coast

How often can you say you went from one side of the country to the other in a day. How about back again same day. Welcome to Japan. I did not set out to purposely to see two different oceans on the same day however leaving Nagoya bound west I entering the elevated expressway system and was faced with a fork in the road. Being somewhat stubborn I have been persisting with my existing out-dated