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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2015

How I made my Yamaha FJR1300 corner easier

Whilst many people in the USA seem ok with the way their Yamaha FJR300 corners, riding on tight narrow roads here and being used to lighter bikes I wanted to quicken the steering if possible. My motorcycle is 2014 FJR1300A and to me it always understeers needing additional bar input (counter steer) to hold a line and to initiate turn it needed much more leverage on the bars than I have

Japan Autumn Motorcycle Tour Part Two

Having reached not quite the bottom of Kyushu but certainly the point on my route from Tokyo south where I needed to turnaround I took some time to enjoy the sunset and reflect on what had been one of the best weeks riding I have had in a long time. And being Japan there is always a vending machine nearby. I was pleased with how the FJR1300 had been much easier to ride in the corners on the

Japan Autumn Motorcycle Tour 2015

Japan is such a varied country. I have just completed one of the most scenic motorcycle tours I have ever ridden. If you have a moment take a look at some of the sights on my 14 day journey exploring autumn in rural Japan. My plan was to ride to the bottom of the island of Kyushu at a relaxed pace with the tour focused on riding foremost but with some time to stop and smell the roses or in