Tvs Apache Motorcycle Price list 2016

TVS Apache RTR 150 Matt Blue Edition--Price 2,04,900 BDT
TVS Apache Hyper Edge (2012)------------- Price 2,17,500 (Double Disk) 1,99,500 (Single Disk) BDT TVS Phoenix 125-------------------------Price 1,58,000
BDT TVS Flame SR 125-----------------------Price Out of market BDT
TVS Star Sport 125----------------------------- Price 1,44,000 BDT
TVS Metro Plus 110cc------------------------ Price 1,46,900 BDT
TVS Metro-----------------------------------Price 1,33,900 Electric Star and 1,12,900 Kick Start BDT
TVS Wego (Scooter)---------------------------Price 1,62,900 BDT
TVS Scooty Pep Plus (Scooter)-------------- Price 1,29,500 BDT
TVS Jive 110------------------------------------Price 1,34,500 BDT
TVS XL 100-------------------------------------Price 1,00,000 BDT
TVS Jupiter (Scooter)--------------------------Price 1,64,900 BDT
TVS Stryker 125--------------------------------Price 1,59,900 BDT
TVS Scooty Zest 110 (Scooter)--------------Price 1,47,000 BDT
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